Monday 13 June 2011

Looks like we haven't learned a thing...


That's right, slap in the sort of place where high rise living has acquired such a fine name - South East London - the local council has approved a huge residential tower block. Admittedly this is a 21st century version of Elephant & Castle's slums in the sky:

The plans for the Newington Causeway tower include 38 residential units, as well as a cafe, cycle spaces, an energy centre in the basement and two wind turbines on the rooftop. 

Might I make a prediction for Southwark Council - in twenty or thirty years this will be a crime-ridden, unpopular slum. Why? Because you've ignored all the lessons of the past - building high rise residential towers in suburban locations doesn't work. People don't want to live in them, they want low rise, little gardens and parking not high rise with cycle spaces, cafes and wind tubines. Trust me, I'm right on this.


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