Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Marketing Strategy - debating above my pay grade!

I guess that entering in to a debate on strategy with the Gingerbread Girl is a bit like someone entering into a debate with me about something I know loads and loads about (there must be something). And I should also remember that being self-deprecating sometimes requires a big neon arrow!

Anyway here we go with some thoughts following from the Gingerbread Girl's five strategy questions:

1. What are my goals? Is this really strategy? Surely objective setting precedes strategy? I would concede that a higher order strategy might set goals for a lower order strategy but I was talking about marketing strategy rather than corporate strategy.

2. Where should I play? I guess this is the very question I argued was central? Clearly the goals set suggest the options and choices around the place of exchange - the word market really answers this since it implies a place rather than an action.

3. How will I win? I contend that these are primarily tactical concerns determined by the goals set and the choice of playground - they are determined by the strategy but are not in and of themselves part of the strategy

4. What capabilities must be in place? Again this is action - the capabilities needed to deliver are determined by the choice of location for exchange. If I choose a sales route, for example, I need skilled sales people and professional support. But that is not marketing strategy.

5. What systems do I require to manage? Using the mail order example we would require systems to create, manage, maintain and exploit customer data - but these are again actions determined by the strategy.

Finally on the joke I plead self-deprecation having been - off and on - a marketing consultant, planner and researcher for best part of twenty years!

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