Monday, 2 November 2009

An Angry Tory writes....

Do you get angry sometimes? In our household anger is an ever present danger – usually brought on by the reading of a broadsheet newspaper or the watching of some television news programme. It is the “WTFFFFFFFF are those idiots doing now” kind of anger. The “Basil Fawlty banging his head against the wall” kind of abject despair at the total lunacy of those who pretend to govern us.

And, dearly beloved reader, we have a General Election coming up. A chance to express our anger through the planting of a livid cross against the name of the Tory candidate. A chance to rid ourselves of the most discredited, incompetent, self-serving and mendacious government since the 18th Century.

And when we’ve expressed that anger…let’s hold our breath…and hope…and pray (if that’s your bag)…that Mr Cameron will do what he says he’ll do. And as we exhale let us – very loudly and persistently – hold the new Tory government to account. Let’s demand some proper Tory stuff:

Less government – as Tories we know our governors can’t manage their way out from a rice pudding so let’s get the private sector working in proper markets to start delivering the standard of healthcare, education, transport and local government that the amount we cough up in taxes would justify

Less politics – as Tories we find politics boring and would much rather be making or spending money. So let’s have fewer MPs, Lords, full time councillors, quangocrats, so-called businessmen brought in to show the public sector how to be efficient, MEPs and all the other multifarious suckers on the taxpayers’ teat

Less law – god knows we don’t want to get like the USA and become a country run by and for lawyers. Let’s have more juries, more lay tribunals and fewer expensive supreme courts, Euro courts and other parasites on the body of society.

Less planning – and not just the town and country variety (although that serves to benefit no-one – not the public and not the developer: just bloody bureaucratic rules) but all the other attempts to guess the results of what millions and millions of ordinary people do in making billions and billions of private choices.

…if we get these things Britain will be a better place. And if we shout loud enough we will get that better place - if we don't stay angry the "great and the good" will win again.

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