Monday 28 February 2011

A climate scientist comments....

A real climate scientist remarks on Climategate:

The response to climategate (of which hide the decline is the slogan) of the climate scientists and the broader climate establishment has been to say to the public "not to worry, the science is still sound, nothing has changed." No one is standing up to acknowledge the problems and talk about addressing them so that this kind of thing does not happen in the future. Restoring trust would have been easier a year ago than it is now.

This is a reminder - even to those of us who are inclined to accept the argument for AGW - of the huge damage done to science and to the climate change case by the arrogance of those responsible for "Climategate" and those who covered up after the deception, lies and fiddles were revealed.


1 comment:

Honorio said...

This picture have the horizont line seemingly "left-wing", quite the opposite, the post... apparently.