Friday, 28 December 2012

Can anyone reading this still wish to remain in the EU?


My epiphany on the European Union came a few years ago when I read of meat being dumped in West Africa where it destryed the livelihood of native herdsmen. If you still haven't decided that we should leave, read this:

The ruling stated that the commission could restrict dissent in order to "protect the rights of others" and punish individuals who "damaged the institution's image and reputation". The case has wider implications for free speech that could extend to EU citizens who do not work for the Brussels bureaucracy.
The court called the Connolly book "aggressive, derogatory and insulting", taking particular umbrage at the author's suggestion that Economic and Monetary Union was a threat to democracy, freedom and "ultimately peace".

I live in a free country - or so I was told. It would appear that our European masters wish to crush that liberty:

Mr Colomer wrote in his opinion last November that a landmark British case on free speech had "no foundation or relevance" in European law

Heaven save England if we remain in this ghastly fascism.



Anonymous said...

Hitler, Version 2.0.

Includes everything from Version 1.0 but upgraded to pretend to be even more benign and wonderful than the previous edition turned out to be.

Honorio said...

Ok, ok, I understand your fears but we say in Spain that it is not possible to suck and bite at the same time Europe tit. Do you understand our fears?

Anonymous said...

Looks like you'll be voting UKIP, because your own head man, Cameron, has made it clear he wants to stay in.

Good test for the principles.

Surreptitious Evil said...

To summarise:

"Employer wins right to dismiss employee who wrote book alleging that some of the employer's core ideals are, well, pants ..."

Now, we have the concept of an a-political civil service (more honoured in the breach etc) but even HMG (of whatever colour) would look askance at this sort of thing.