Sunday, 17 February 2013

Guilty men...


Over 1000 people died unnecessarily at Stafford hospital. We don't know how many others died without cause at other hospitals in England. We do, however, know who is responsible:

They knew there was a problem and did precisely nothing:

The Department of Health was handed three reports raising concerns about the quality of care in some parts of the NHS in 2008. The reports for Lord Darzi, a former health minister, found targets were being met at the expense of patient treatment and identified a culture of fear among staff afraid to raise concerns.

People were dying and, for fear of political scandal, these politicians did nothing - even after the deaths at Stafford were known they did nothing:

Up to 2,800 of these deaths came after alarms were sounded about the Mid Staffordshire hospital scandal and three independent reports warned that not enough attention was paid to quality of care. 

That Andy Burnham is Shadow Health Spokesman is truly shocking - he'll be the first to crow about how much was "invested" in the NHS by the last Labour government. When will he put his hand up to covering up the scandal of these deaths?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You speak the thoughts of millions, usually without recourse to party political point-scoring. It is sad that you seem to be well into the minority of politicians, especially like those you have highlighted here, folk who will trumpet their own party’s “achievements” at every opportunity, irrespective of the veracity of the truth. Even sadder, there exists a huge swathe of people who mindlessly continue to support them, despite the proof of so many of their lies.

Radical Rodent