Saturday, 16 March 2013

It's not just theft, it's utter lunacy

The European Union has set out to lift 10% of savings from Cypriot bank deposits:

But in a departure from previous bail-outs, the country’s savers are being asked to make sacrifices.

The terms of the deal mean that Cyprus’s savers will sacrifice up to 10pc of their deposits in a move which will raise as much as €6 billion. 

That running sound is people in other EU countries that might be needing a bailout from Germany  the ECB rushing to take money out from the banks. It's accompanied by a whooshing sound as larger deposits scatter to safer havens - Germany maybe, perhaps the US or UK. Definitely a good day for those tax havens the lefties dislike.

And it won't be enough - the governments and the banks will have got the taste of blood. Nice savers blood, fresh and clean.

The EU has gone mad. It's beyond time to close it down. Call the men in white coats now.


1 comment:

Barman said...


I moved to Cyprus ten years ago from the UK to escape high taxes...

This weekend my account was effectively frozen in the early hours of Saturday morning and I expect to have 6% stolen from it by the time the banks open again on Tuesday (Monday being a bank holiday)...

The cash machines are all empty and the whooshing sound you describe is incredibly loud already... If they can do it once they WILL do it again...