Friday, 14 June 2013

They really will take the shirt from your back...


The Government that is...

I was billed for 26k in admin costs - thats the way trhey play and its DIRTY and very very unfair - i fought like hell but i had no credit cards and no cheque books and - after 3 years they had accunilated almost £200k in administration costs -thats when the bill was brought down to 33k but with the admin costs - they seized my property and contents - and left me with nothing - not even any clothes - its a bad story.

Go read the whole sorry tale. And next time you try to pretend that government is good or kind or caring or helpful, go read it again. After a couple of reads you'll never think government is anything other than a ghastly  - perhaps necessary - evil.

With thanks to Obo for letting the world know about this.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is government necessary?

The Belgians did without one for a couple of years, and everyone was happy; now, they have a government, and people are not happy.

Radical Rodent