Monday 19 February 2018

Momentum and Millionaires: A point about London's gentrification

The Market Urbanists observe a 'Bootleggers and Baptists phonomenum in housing:
We see the same thing today in the housing supply debate: many community activists with valid concerns over gentrification’s impacts have come to oppose upzoning. They point to cases where new housing has appeared to result in or not solve displacement as arguments against allowing more housing to be built. However, typically this is a result of projects being limited by regulations in the first place, making luxury development the most profitable new housing possible. In taking this stance, these advocates wind up boosting the cause of NIMBYs who either wish to preserve their property values or protect their views against even the slightest infringement.
I guess we'll call it Momentum and Millionaires (after all Jon Lansman famously lives in a posh flat and his son's a developer).



  1. Then thing about Baptists and bootleggers is they were disjoint sets; there is a non-trivial intersection between millionaires and Momentum…
