Thursday 12 April 2018

Quote of the day: taxing the poor till their pips squeak

From Dick Puddlecote:
And lastly, we have the type who knows very well that this is a load of bollocks but just like the fact that sin taxes are regressive. They will leap on any old nonsense to justify a tax which punishes the poor, for the simple fact that they hate people who are not like them. They don't care whether the sugar tax will work, they are simply a modern version of a Victorian aristocrat who would sneer at the choices of the poor. It is now considered shameful to advocate an income tax rate for the low-paid which is higher than that for the rich, but positively encouraged by government to support disproportionately gouging the less well off for products which the rich can afford quite nicely, thank you.
The poor must be punished for making the wrong lifestyle choices (even if those choices are their main source of pleasure in an otherwise dreary life).


1 comment:

  1. The Conservatives: once a party of low taxation and minimum government interference with its citizens, now a champion of high taxation and telling us all exactly how we should be living our lives. Is it any wonder people refer to them as “Labour lite”?

    (Meanwhile, of course, Labour has traipsed off into to wilds of La-la-Land…)
