Monday 21 January 2019

Quote of the day - P J O'Rourke on trade...

This is it...
Trade is so basic that we don’t think about it at all. Or, if we do think about it, the thinking gets hard. Trade is such a fundamental truth – like the fact that the universe exists at all – that our imaginations have trouble grasping it.

The meaning of trade is that a single human is almost incapable of making or doing anything without exchanging goods and services with other humans. Robinson Crusoe would have come a cropper if not for the shipwreck from which to “import” goods and his man Friday to perform the minimum-wage services. The Swiss Family Robinson would have been the Dead Family Robinson if they hadn’t had a big family full of people swapping their various skills, abilities, and knowledge.
Not about deals. Not about treaties. No lawyers anywhere. Just people interacting with other people to mutual benefit. This is why free markets work - cooperation, collaboration, exchange. Whatever you do, don't let governments stop this - let's stay free humans not slaves.


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