Thursday 7 March 2019

Millennials are just like their parents and grandparents

Millennials are just like every other generation - here's Wendell Cox:
The research examined consumption patterns by age from 1986, 2001 and 2016. Overall, controlling for age, income, employment and demographic patterns, the researchers found “no evidence that the generation-specific tastes and preferences of millennials favor lower levels of consumption than the tastes and preferences of members of other generations.” Moreover, they found that the changes in consumption shares by category are “very similar to the changes for the entire population,” and that “that there has not been a dramatic taste shift from one cohort to the next with respect to a particular form of consumption.”
Most so-called millennials want what their parents wanted - a decent job, a nice car and a house in the suburbs. Nothing has changed except policy-makers pretending that people want to live in pokey little flats piled on top of each other while travelling about on overcrowded, strike-prone public transport. It ain't so. Nothing has changed.


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