Wednesday 13 November 2019

On UnHerd - my argument that the North should stop trying to be like London.

Let's turn off the Northern Powerhouse...

Most of the North is not urban, is not in a state of seemingly terminal decline and is not remotely desolate except in a “Cathy running across the moor shouting Heathcliffe” way. Speak to a Northerner about the North, and they will talk about moors and mountains, lakes and rivers, market towns and stately homes, woods and rolling acres.

Yet our blinkered economic development approach completely ignores this in favour of linking together five or six city centres with speedy trains and filling those centres with shiny offices.

It’s time to turn all this on its head. Leave behind those dreams of past industrial might and talk, instead, about what makes the North special. Let’s talk about what makes it unique: its environment.
 You can read the whole thing over at UnHerd.


1 comment:

  1. That's very good. Industrial cities aren't going to become industrial again in the same way. And this thinking around trains is just antiquated. Trains are very useful for commuting. People doing the 9-5 in a city. If you're not doing that, there isn't a huge benefit of pouring billions into them.

    If I have to do a business meeting in Reading after 10am, driving works out just fine. If people want to be eco, do more to make transport greener in the city - cycle paths, bus lanes (NOT trams) etc.
