Friday 26 June 2020

The concept of "structural racism" is itself racist

 California's state constitution contains these words:
“The state shall not discriminate against, or grant preferential treatment to, any individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin.”
I'm guessing most readers will look at those words, nod and say something like: "agree with that, sad they need to spell it out so bluntly". This is the sort of liberal sentiment that we all assumed was uncontroversial - equal rights, equality before the law, fair treatment all protected by the state and enforcable via that state's courts.

Well think again because California's legislature just voted to support removing those words from the constitution. This is California so those state legislators aren't racist, gun-toting hicks but sophisticated, trendy, self-righteous progressives, the very same folk who've made a career from lecturing us all about equality, racism and the assorted rights that go with them.

What this decision (its removal requires approval in a referendum under California's system) tells us is that the "structural racism" concept requires these colour-blind statements of liberal sensibility to be removed so that employers and educators can be forced into giving preference to one group on the basis that the group is deemed to be the victim of that structural racism.

Or, to put it another way, the concept of "structural racism" is itself racist.


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