Friday, 4 February 2011

Convert, convert, convert her! An update on the Catholic Church and witches....

The Catholic Church has issued a little booklet about converting witches - perhaps some progress from putting them to the torch but still just a little barking!

A guide on how to convert witches to Christianity has been published by the Roman Catholic Church in Britain.
The move comes in response to fears that growing numbers of teenagers are being lured into Wicca, occult practices and paganism by the heroic depiction of witches in entertainment including the Harry Potter and The Sorcerer’s Apprentice films, and TV.

The booklet, called Wicca and Witchcraft: Understanding the Dangers, offers parents advice on what to do if one of their children takes an interest in witchcraft.

Apparently witches are bad because there's a link to:

Behind the glamour there were ‘grave dangers’ because of its link to the occult and the sinister movement championed by satanist Aleister Crowley.

Now leaving aside the fact that Crowley wasn't a Satanist, I find the idea that all this jolly filmic witchcraft is a recruiting sergeant for the devil to be quite entertaining. But not as entertaining as the author's rationale:

To marginalised and spiritually hungry generations the growing spiritual phenomena of Wicca and witchcraft have proved attractive, with much to offer: power, supernatural abilities and socially acceptable agendas such as eco-activism and feminism.

Presumably the tactic is to persuade these spiritual proto-feminists to join a church run by men? Now that's going to work well, isn't it! Come to church with me and watch the back of some bloke while he waves wine and wafers around!



Ian Phillips said...

Ha! Today's Indexed seems double appropriate then…

Anonymous said...

*Grins* thank you I feel much better now

SadButMadLad said...

One of the few times the comments in the Daily Mail are actually accurate truthful and not biased.

Angry Exile said...

Shame the same can't be said for The Mainly Fail itself, SadButMadLad. They didn't even get to the end of the second sentence before confusing Harry Potter with Disney's Fantasia.