Thursday, 4 August 2011

Why? (Now updated - with the answer)


Graham has an e-cigar - part of his ongoing endeavour to stop smoking. And the Assocation of Conservative Clubs have "advised" their member clubs not to allow e-cigarettes and e-cigars.



Update: Having written to the ACC they provided an admirably prompt reply:

Thank you for your email.

The Club’s approach to these devices is probably based on a question and answer we placed into the ACC’s Magazine some years ago which I am including here for your information.

Q.  A Member has asked whether the new style electric cigarettes are legal to be used in the Club.  Apparently they have a small cartridge inserted which gives the impression of smoking and are actually been retailed as an aid to give up cigarettes.  I am assured there is no nicotine or toxins included in the device.

A.  I would strongly suggest that the Committee do not allow such a device to be used. I am not entering into an argument that the device is not a cigarette and is therefore not illegal, my advice is based purely on the fact that the device looks exactly like a cigarette and therefore will either give the wrong impression about the Club and may give rise to complaints being made, or it may indicate to other members or guests that the Club permits smoking and that as a result they light up a real cigarette which could create serious problems for the Club.

Whilst we appreciate the points you raise and it is for each individual Conservative Club to make a final determination on the matter our advice is not to allow these types of devices to be used inside the Club’s premises.  It is important for a clear approach to be taken regarding any type of smoking inside a Club’s premises whether it be tobacco smoking, herbal smoking or electronic cigarettes which mimic smoking.  By simply stating no smoking or smoking type devices will be permitted inside the Club the Committee are making it clear that any type of smoking is unacceptable and this avoids any debate on exactly what is permitted or not permitted under the Smoking Ban. 

Please let us know if we can be of any further assistance on this matter. 

Yours sincerely,

Charles Littlewood
Assistant to the Secretary



Russell VR Ord said...

The attitude of the Association of Conservative Clubs beggers belief. E-cigs and the like give off very little odour and are easily distinguished from real cigarettes as they only give off 'smoke' when they are inhaled and they never shrink in size!

E-cigs do not contain tobacco and are not lit so they are legal to use in public places and they do not inconvenience other pub and club goers. The smell of expensive perfumes and aftershaves is more off putting whilst having a quiet drink!

Russell VR Ord
Campaign for Vaping in Pubs

SadButMadLad said...

Just wait for disguised e-ciggs (leccy-ciggies). Some might even be in the shape of a pen. So someone sucking on a pen is indistinguishable from a vaper.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Russell.
I am especially surprised at this frankly ignorant and unenlightened approach from a club that aspires to the conservative ethos which opposes unneccessary regulation and aims to draw back from the nanny state.
There is much freely available literature, leaflets, signs all pointing out in clear terms that this is NOT smoking and a blanket ban to avoid the argument is ridiculous.
Thank goodness my local pub is vape friendly and happy to discuss with any concerned customers!

Mark Davis, Norwich

James Dunworth said...

"I am especially surprised at this frankly ignorant and unenlightened approach from a club that aspires to the conservative ethos which opposes unneccessary regulation and aims to draw back from the nanny state."

Absolutely. Why on earth invent regulations that restrict people from doing what they want when there is no reason to do so? So it looks like smoking - tell me how that is a bad thing? This sounds like a socialist club, not a conservative one.