Friday, 8 February 2013

Adrian Naylor & a bad case of logic fail!


My erstwhile colleague, Adrian Naylor, is very keen to talk about planning. Sometimes he seems to hate it (because it wants to build more houses in Silsden) while at other times he seems to love it (because it can stop more houses being built in Silsden).

And his latest piece of illogicality is this:

Coun Naylor does not believe relaxing planning rules will provide much-needed schools for the district.

Now we know that one of the barriers to free schools - and other schools for that matter - is that land simply isn't designated (under our absurd planning system) for this purpose. So those wishing to develop schools - especially secondary schools - have to do battle with the planning authority. If Adrian had bothered to look at the planning difficulties faced by all Bradford's free schools, he wouldn't be saying that relaxing planning regulations was a bad idea.

I can only assume that - in Adrian's world - these schools will float on little clouds so they don't interfere with his little myth-bound wonderland.


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