Tuesday, 11 June 2013

A great little beer rant...


...from Helen at Food Stories:

I expect the designers think this makes the pub look cool, because we need to make drinking beer cool, right? It’s not just for beardy CAMRA members; old timers with old attitudes. Well here’s the wake up call, people – beer already IS fucking cool. Get over it! Stop trying so hard! Make a pub we can sit in and actually hear the people we are trying to socialise with! 

Go read it - it pricks a few pretentious presumptions and makes a very good point.

I expect the designers think this makes the pub look cool, because we need to make drinking beer cool, right? It’s not just for beardy CAMRA members; old timers with old attitudes. Well here’s the wake up call, people – beer already IS fucking cool. Get over it! Stop trying so hard! Make a pub we can sit in and actually hear the people we are trying to socialise with! - See more at: http://helengraves.co.uk/2013/06/craft-beer-pub-rant/?utm_source=feedly#sthash.khw60tMu.dpuf
I expect the designers think this makes the pub look cool, because we need to make drinking beer cool, right? It’s not just for beardy CAMRA members; old timers with old attitudes. Well here’s the wake up call, people – beer already IS fucking cool. Get over it! Stop trying so hard! Make a pub we can sit in and actually hear the people we are trying to socialise with! - See more at: http://helengraves.co.uk/2013/06/craft-beer-pub-rant/?utm_source=feedly#sthash.khw60tMu.dpuf
I expect the designers think this makes the pub look cool, because we need to make drinking beer cool, right? It’s not just for beardy CAMRA members; old timers with old attitudes. Well here’s the wake up call, people – beer already IS fucking cool. Get over it! Stop trying so hard! Make a pub we can sit in and actually hear the people we are trying to socialise with! - See more at: http://helengraves.co.uk/2013/06/craft-beer-pub-rant/?utm_source=feedly#sthash.khw60tMu.dpuf

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

But a pub we can sit in is a pub we can't smoke in, so we won't be bothering going to it until we can.