Friday, 11 October 2013

The London Assembly has lost the plot on housing...


The vote was unanimous:

Cross party assembly members backed a motion urging the mayor to fight the policy which they believe will result in sub-standard residential developmentsas planning authorities will have ‘no control over the size and mix of dwellings, nor over provision of infrastructure or standards.’

This all sounds super doesn't it but for the fact that plenty of Londoners are already living in sub-standard properties. Including ones with entrances like this:

So London's politicians - who seem more bothered about finding ways to stop housing development - would rather this continues than give up a little bit of control over housing, in this case converting shops into homes without the need for a change of use permission.

Apparently, this policy will destroy 'high streets' - presumably ones that look like this:

So London's politicians would prefer to have empty shops rather than homes for Londoners?


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