Monday, 25 August 2014

Food heroes of the day - Ninewells Hospital, Dundee...


Assorted health fascists and nannying fussbuckets are frothing at the wonderful dish served up at Dundee's Ninewells Hospital:

The pie is crammed with sausage, bacon, black pudding and beans and is topped with a fried egg. It is available from a takeaway counter at the Dundee hospital.

This is a hospital, people are gloomy, ill, depressed and in need of some decent nosh - hence such a fantastic pie. But the nannies  hate it:

Professor Mike Lean, a former government advisor and chair of human nutrition at Glasgow University said it was a "shocking" example of a meal.

"It should never be anywhere near a hospital," he said. "It is laden with fat, salt and without a vegetable in sight. There should be strict guidelines for all food sold in hospitals."

And Tam Fry, the self-appointed obesity expert shouts:

"What we have here is a heart attack on a plate. It should be absolute obligatory for the NHS to have wholesome food whether it is from a takeaway shop within hospitals or on menus."

I don't get it at all - what could be more wholesome that a fry-up in a pie. At least it's not deep fried (yet).

A good view of the pie (and a fine sight it is, if not for the faint-hearted) can be seen here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can I order on-line and will they deliver ?