Sunday, 16 September 2012

Not really a surprise that Tesco like minimum pricing for booze really!


Since we know that the OFT think minimum booze pricing is a daft idea let's return to the biggest issue - who gets all the windfall:

According to a study by the Centre for Economics and Business Research for drinks giant SABMiller, a 50p minimum unit price in England, Scotland and Wales would hand supermarkets a collective increase in profits of £1.8bn-£2.2bn. 

So says the big brewer. Who have a point - unless the supermarket is to allow the brewer to (shall we say) 'share' the windfall from the government's nannying fussbucketry? And supermarkets don't have a good track record in that regard! So this response from Tesco isn't a big surprise now:

“We are very keen to play our part in the fight against alcohol misuse.

“We are committed to engaging constructively in discussions with government on ways we can help, including minimum pricing, and look forward to doing so in the coming months. The level of the price is a matter for government.” 

The supermarkets will enforce the government's health fascism in return for an equally health upwards nudge to their profits.

Now about that moonshine.


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